Hostal Balcones Muralla, de sus muros y sus escaleras, sus sombras y sus años es un regalo majestuoso a nuestra Habana. Visitarlo y disfrutar de su historia es una experiencia única que te trasporta en el tiempo y hace que anheles ser parte de sus huellas. Gracias por hacer que brille con tu luz una esquina de la Habana Vieja.
I have been witness to the exciting transformation of Hostal Balcones Muralla since the beginning of this challenging adventure. The building was sadly neglected and in need of much love and attention. It has certainly been given this and the building has been transformed due to all the care given and skills employed by the craftman working there. Now the renovation is almost complete and is now looking like a building to be proud of. Staying there will be like taking a step back in history and I personally cannot wait for the day to wake up in a room full of charm from another era and sitting opn my balcony in beautiful Havana Vieja.
The ladies treat me like the Queen .
Proud & happy to be the first guest here Hostal Balcones Muralla